Japanese Monks’ Diet! Lose 10 kg for 10 days !!!

In a period of ten days you will lose 10 kg! Pretty incredible isn’t it?
If your weight is greatly exceeds of the normal weight, than it is possible to lose more kilograms.

This diet can not be repeated more than once in a half year. For ten days you will need following 

  • 5 kg of rice
  • 10 pickles
  • And fresh garlic

Every day you need to cook rice, but careful not to overcook. Once cooked and cooled add some finely chopped pickles and carefully mix all together. When you feel you are hungry start eating of the prepared rice. The secret is to chew the food as longer you can, or approximately 20 times on one bite. With the combination of rice eat also fresh garlic, but no less than two pieces a day.

This amount of cooked rice is for the whole day, and you can consume as you wish. Season salad by your choice, made with fresh vegetables, seasoned with olive oil, lemon juice or apple cider vinegar and salt in very small quantities is a good combination with rice.

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