She Eat Rhubarb Every Day For 2 weeks You Will Do The Same When You Find Out Why !!!

 6 Reasons to Eat Bone-Strengthening, Brain-Boosting Rhubarb

1. Eases Digestion
As a high-fiber food, rhubarb can help ease digestion. A study was conducted of burn patients at the Burn Treatment Center of Shanxi Province at Tisco General Hospital in China and how rhubarb can possibly ease abdominal discomfort and promote a healthy and normal digestion process. The study focused on the relief of bloated stomach and discomfort, while providing regularity.

2. Strengthens Bones and Prevents Osteoporosis
Because rhubarb packs a good dose of vitamin K, it can provide useful benefits that include a role in bone metabolism and potential protection against osteoporosis. Vitamin K is required for osteocalcin to occur. This is when the metabolically active tissue of the bone undergoes continuous remodeling by the process of bone formation and bone resorption. These processes rely heavily on the performance ofosteoclasts (resorption), osteoblasts (formation) and osteocytes (maintenance). Under normal conditions, bone resorption and formation work in tandem to make sure that the amount of bone removed is equal to the amount of bone that is newly formed. (3)
3. Staves Off Brain Disorders

When someone suffers from oxidative stress caused by numerous of disorders, including stroke, Alzheimer’s disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, the brain usually undergoes a great deal of trauma. This stress can lead to the formation of free radicals, which can cause neuronal apoptosis and the development of some types of chronic brain disease.
4. Fights Free Radicals
Rhubarb is a high-antioxidant food like the bilberry and the cranberry. It contains the powerful free-radical scavenger quercetin, among other potent antioxidants. Quercetin is a powerful antioxidant flavonoid that gives plants its color.
5. Relieves Constipation and Diarrhea

Rhubarb is often referred to for its purgative properties, which are used to provide ease with bowel movements. It’s been known to help reduce strain during bowel movements and, in turn, can help ease the pain of hemorrhoids or tears in the skin lining of the anal canal, known as anal fissures.
6. Lowers Inflammation
Rhubarb has long been used in Chinese medicine due to its anti-infection properties and is known to help promote healthy skin, mucous membranes, good vision and possibly as cancer protection. All of this is due to its role as an anti-inflammatory food.

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